8 of the best benefits of blogging

Blogging is my favorite kind of writing craft. I love writing short pieces, publishing them online, and connecting with you. Besides being fun to do, there are so many benefits to blogging, especially when you want to write authentically and inspire others.


Here are 8 of the best benefits of blogging:

#1 Self-Discovery: Writing your blog can help you discover who you are, what you think, and how you feel. As you write, you'll have a million aha moments  where you'll say, "Ooohhh, THAT'S what I think about that."

#2 Creative Pride: As you write and publish posts on a regular basis, you will also experience the pride of finishing creative work on a regular basis. Publishing your writing is something to be seriously proud of, and the more you do it, the more pride you'll feel!

#3 Body of Work: A body of work is the entirety of your creative work. The more you write, the bigger your body of work will become. If you write once per week, you’ll have 52 pieces by the end of a year. That’s HUGE!

#4 Strong Courage Muscles: Authenticity is vulnerable and therefore scary! When you write, you grow your courage muscles to face your fears and hit publish. The more you write, the bigger your courage muscles will become. What is terrifying to publish today, will feel much easier a year from now.

#5 Freedom: When you write authentically, you are engaging in the practice of freeing your voice. You don't have to write every thing you think and feel, but when what you do write is authentic, you will experience the freedom that comes with saying your truth.

#6 Connection: Blogging helps you connect to others. As you share your work, you’ll hear back from people who are truly helped by your writing. When you put yourself out there, your people will be able to find you and connect with you.

#7 Skills: With blogging, you publish short pieces on a regular basis. As a writer, I have found this to be one of the best way to improve my writing. The more you practice your craft, the better you get at it!

#8 Soul Fulfillment: If you have a Soul Desire to write, to share your voice, and to inspire others, blogging is a great platform for doing all three of these things at once. When you write you will finally experience true fulfillment in your body, mind, and soul.


I want to help you get to the place where you can experience all of these benefits of blogging. 

I want to help you bust through the blocks that stop you. 

I want to teach you how to claim the emotional resilience for writing online. 

I want to help you free your voice and find the freedom to you be your most wildly authentic self.


Right now I am opening space for 3 new clients to work one-on-one with me to:

  • Design a creative brief for your blog, answering the who, what, when, where, and why of your wildly authentic writing

  • Write and publish your first three blog posts

  • Make a plan to keep posting, even when it feels super scary

  • Bust through the biggest blocks stopping you from hitting publish

To get started, hit reply to this email and let me know you'd like to schedule a complimentary call, or you can read more about the program here!

This offer is available until this Wednesday November 25, 2020. After that, this program will be available as an online course only starting January 1, 2021.



P.S. Share this post with someone you know who wants to start a blog!


Your Voice is Meant to Be Heard


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