Creativity is a great adventure
Why not take the leap?
Why not go somewhere you've never gone with your creativity?
Why not feel what it's like to accomplish the thing you've wanted for so long?
Why not explore the wilds of your own creativity, the places you have yet to go with your heart and soul?
Why not confront the demons that stop you?
In this wild, crazy time of the Pandemic and staying in one place, the greatest place to explore is the vast realm of your creative spirit.
Imagine waking up tomorrow having accomplished your dream of starting your blog and hitting publish on your writing.
Who would you be then? What would be freed within you?
This is the exploration on hand for you now - the creative journey - the one where you learn to run like a wild horse through the wind and the grass and the hills, making your way with your voice and your gorgeous treasure of words.
I would love to help you kick start your journey with a magical and powerful oracle card reading revealing the steps that will help you get unstuck and start sharing your writing online.
Believe me. This is a great adventure!
P.S. I'll be using The Threads of Fate Oracle for these special readings. The Explorer card is pictured above. This is a gorgeous and often eerily spot on deck, and I can't wait to share its wisdom and magic with you!