Post-eclipse feelings
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash
I’m tired this morning.
It’s been a big month for me. I started the spring session of Cacao + Writing Coven, which is an amazing group of folks this season, and my whole life has changed at home.
For the past 14 years, I’ve lived with just my husband. And for the past 2 years, we’ve lived with our pet rabbit, who is a quiet and cute vegetarian.
Then, a month ago, my best friend and her two young kids moved in with us, as she walks through a big life transition. Over night, we’ve become a loud family of six!
This month was the big push for me to lead us all into getting settled, establishing the rules, and figuring out the routines.
It’s been a big, joyful cacophony of little kid dramas, moving furniture, Hot Wheels, and Paw Patrol. We’re having so much fun being all together. There’s art! Family dinner! Friendship time! Joy!
And as I sit here today, in the quiet of the early morning, looking out at the big red cedar, I drop into my body. And what I notice is that I’m tired.
I feel like I’ve traveled through a portal. (Hello, eclipse season!) What my life was six weeks ago is not what my life is today.
As I feel into my tiredness, I realize it’s the quiet that comes after a satisfying journey.
It’s like when you climb to the top of a mountain. You need to stop and rest, but it also feels deeply fulfilling for the soul.
Today, I’m looking at the view of my life, and I’m happy with what I see. But, yep, it’s definitely time for a rest.
How are you doing? If you turn inward, what do you notice about how you feel? Has anything changed for you over the past few weeks, when we’ve experienced a lunar and solar eclipse?