Mini-Astrology for Your Writing Life: Venus in Leo
Venus enters Leo on June 5, 2023. Listen to a podcast mini-sode with reflection questions to help empower your writing life when the planet of love enters the sign of self-expression.
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[00:00:00] Hey everyone. And welcome to creative witchcraft for your writing life. I am Emma Veritas, and in this episode, we are doing a little, mini astrology for your writing life session. Where, um, in these episodes, what I want to do is feature a little bit of what is happening in the sky right now and what we can think about in terms of our self-expression and our writing when we consider this aspect of astrology right now. So in two days, Venus is going to enter Leo. Venus is the planet of love. It's the planet of beauty. It's the planet of connection and
[00:01:00] relation, right? It's about what and how we love.
And Leo is the sign of self-expression. It's ruled by the sun. So it's about how you express yourself in the outer world, which we all do, even if we're super introverted, we have a way to express ourselves to the world around us, even if it looks really different than an extroverted way of doing that. And so on June 5th. Venus will be in Leo. And for me, the question that comes up when it comes to our writing lives is: How are we creating
[00:02:00] connection with our writing? Or how are we creating love and relation with our writing? This doesn't necessarily have to be with other people, or it might. You know, if you're someone who's posting on social media who has a blog, who's kind of out there with your writing, you might really think about, okay, how am I creating connection? Like, what part of my self-expression is showing up as, like, a Venus energy? And you might just take some time while Venus is in Leo to ponder that and think about that and notice that, to do some self reflection around that.
Um, If you're somebody who has more of a personal writing practice, you might also think, well, how does me taking the time to sit with my diary, to sit with my journal…how does this
[00:03:00] create love in my life? And it might be love for the self, right? It might be self-care, which is really beautiful. So you're expressing yourself, to yourself, in your journal, and it's creating a very loving self care kind of practice.
Just thinking about this can be really interesting. Like right now I'm working on a workbook called flower magic for the writing life and I think, wow, how am I creating connection and love? And I think something I'm expressing with that workbook is my love of flowers. This, like, real love for…for flowers. And right now it's spring and flowers are blooming in my yard. And I just love walking around and touching the flowers and being with the flowers and smelling them.
It's a real, like, love of nature, expressing my connection to the plant world. Right? There's a lot of
[00:04:00] love in there. And what I'm hoping to do with that workbook is to teach others how to, um, connect with flowers. Right? And how flowers can teach us how to express ourselves and how to find a focus and how to expand and empower our writing lives, right? So there's a lot of beauty and love in there.
Which honestly, I hadn't thought about until I said that, right this second. So doing this kind of self-reflection can kind of just be a fun way to have a little realization about… oh, There's something deeper going on here with my writing. It's really interesting. It's a great way to have a little realization about your authentic voice and your authentic writing life.
Okay. So that is your little boost of magic, and I hope you just have an amazing time with your writing life. If you want to find out more about me and my work, you can come to, where you can sign up for
[00:05:00] my free workshop, called how to write with the Oracle cards. So if you love a little Oracle card play, then that would be a really good one for you.