Is it Time to Break Free from Society’s Expectations?
Pippin will not be limited by his designated bunny lounging areas!
Dear Beautiful Soul,
You are unconventional. To me, that means you’re someone who desires a life that looks different from the societal norms you grew up with or live within now. I’m unconventional, too. Although, my life might not seem like it to some.
I live in a home that I love in the woods, east of Seattle. I’m married, have close friends, and run a small business. But my life defies the conventions I was raised with. I was expected to stay in New England and live near my family, but in my early thirties, I realized how toxic those relationships were. I was expected to maintain ties with them, even though they harmed me, but I chose to walk away. I was also supposed to remain in the Christian faith, but instead, I found freedom in spiritual practices which that tradition condemns.
Even my business is unconventional by societal standards. When I attend events with my husband’s tech company, it’s always a little awkward explaining what I do. I’m a life coach who combines coaching tools with witchcraft rituals to help people hear their inner voices and create lives that feel amazing—even if society doesn’t approve. It’s not exactly small talk, unless someone there is a secret witch, ha!
The truth is conventions vary for all of us—depending on where we grew up, the spiritual traditions we followed, and the families we belonged to. As adults, we find ourselves in different careers and relationship roles, each with their own set of external expectations.
So, being unconventional will look different for each of us, but for all of us, living our soul-nourishing, unconventional lives is usually hard-earned. It comes from countless big and small acts of rebellion where we allow ourselves to be who we are instead of forcing ourselves to fit in.
For me, this journey hasn’t always been easy. There have been many tears, dark nights of the soul, and long stretches where I ignored what my body and spirit were telling me. I’ve experienced burnout, depression, and stayed in situations far past their expiration dates. Yet, through it all, one of the things that has carried me forward has been the regular practice of stopping to listen to myself.
In a world where we swim in a sea of external pressures, those inner whispers can easily get drowned out. That’s why it’s so important to strengthen the practice of listening to your inner voice—the wise one within that knows. This is where my love of witchy practices comes in, too, particularly those rooted in nature’s cycles. Tuning into the seasonal and lunar rhythms offers a powerful structure to pause and turn inward, again and again.
For example, I set new moon intentions each month, using it as a time to reflect—feeling my emotions, examining my life, and planning for the weeks ahead. What’s working? What’s not? What needs to shift? I do this same reflection at the start of each season and during the Witch’s New Year (Samhain or Halloween). These nature-based practices help me craft a life that feels truly nourishing.
Some decisions I’ve made after these rituals have been epic, while others look small but have epic results. For instance, My husband and I don’t sleep in the same bedroom anymore. I toss and turn and steal blankets; he snores and wakes up in the night. Sleeping in the same bed left us both sleep-deprived and miserable. For years, I was scared to sleep separately because of the societal belief that it meant our relationship was in trouble. But when we finally made the switch, it actually brought more love and happiness into our relationship.
This was an unconventional decision that has made our lives feel more nourishing and less exhausting, and it wouldn’t have happened without the practice of stopping to reflect, listen to my body, and notice what needed attention. I needed to see that sleeping in the same bed wasn’t working, and that it needed to change.
Living an unconventional, soul-nourishing life will look different for each of us. But what I’ve learned is that it requires a regular practice of turning inward to your own voice and turning away from the cacophony of external conventions.
This is why I created the Soul-Nourishment Coven—a safe, supportive space for you to do exactly that. To slow down, reflect, and ask yourself what needs more attention in your life. Within a supportive community, we explore what would help you create a life that feels right for you this season—one that’s guided from within, not by external expectations.
If you’d love to join us in the Soul-Nourishment Coven, hit reply to this email and let me know you’re interested. Or, schedule a free call with me. We start this coming Thursday, October 3!
P.S. If you missed the Autumn Oracle Card Ritual, you can still catch the replay. Sign up here!
P.P.S. The Soul-Nourishment Coven meets on Thursdays from 10-11:30am Pacific. If you’d love to join but can’t make that time, let me know!
P.P.P.S. Keep an eye out for something witchy and fun coming up for Samhain! I’ll be sharing a special guidebook and workshop to celebrate the Witch’s New Year soon.
Disclaimer: This blog is a resource guide for educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of hiring a life coach, a therapist, or of seeking medical attention. No information on this blog creates a coach-client relationship between us. You are fully responsible for the decisions and actions you take in regard to your life and affairs.